Spencer A. Gibbs, LLC


This website is designed for information purposes only. The information presented in this website should not be construed as legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. The act of sending an email or calling Spencer A. Gibbs, LLC (the Firm) will not create an attorney-client relationship. Do not send confidential information to the Firm. We are not responsible for unsolicited information, confidential or not, sent to the Firm. Before taking on new clients the Firm will perform a conflict search to determine if a potential new client conflicts with current clients. Conflicts include subject matter conflicts. Ignorance of patent law, coupled with certain actions by an inventor can have a significant negative impact on patent rights. The Firm requires a signed and dated engagement letter before taking on a new client. If you do not have one of these, then you are not a client of the Firm.

Site Information

This website was programmed using w3schools.com as a reference and the clock was taken pretty much as-is from that site. I just want to say thanks for the great information that they provide and if you are interested in web programming, you should check them out.

The low-poly block at the left was created using Trianglify, so thanks to whoever wrote that neat program as well.

Now Is The Time To Protect Your Invention